Why the Hell has no Police Reform Happened Yet

This week another act of police brutality happened. Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back as he got into his own vehicle. The shooting has once again sparked outrage across the country. Once again, people have taken to the streets in cities across America. Once again, you see acts of amazing kindness and beautiful peaceful protests. Of communities coming together and supporting one another while asking for reform. And once again, you also see acts of violence and rioting as people express their outrage to the current situation they see themselves in.

The question I have is why we have seen so little real action taken. Chicago, Atlanta, New York, DC, Portland, Seattle. These have all been cities that have seen violent protests in the last few months. People have laid out clear and concise demands on what needs to happen. Yet, so little progress in each city has actually been made. These places are democratic strongholds, usually with People of Color in positions of power. So why do we see so little happening. Why do protest continue to occur and brutalities continue to happen, and no real action is taken by the ones in charge.

In my opinion it is a complete failure by the mayors and legislators of these cities. While the people they serve are demanding reform and justice, they are doing nothing. Small performative acts will not solve the fundamental issue that the people supposedly protecting citizens are instead harming them. I am not sure why these leaders are acting like reform is impossible, or ignoring the cries for justice. If they fail to act we must vote them out and put people ready to make change into positions of power.