Over the last few months I have become addicted to the green. It gives me a sense of freedom and speed that is hard to match. I used to rely on the red or black as outlets for my needs, but now I find myself gravitating to the glorious green machines. The thrill is unmatched, the availability unrivaled, the experience consistent. The main downside is cost, as it is more expensive than the alternatives, but I find myself justifying almost daily use.
The Lime E-Bikes through-out the city have become my go to method of travel. I use them for my work commute, only going to the bus or metro in bad weather. Grocery shopping, jump on the bike, going to the gym, oh look what is right outside my door, meeting up with friends, never need to worry about traffic. It is often the quickest method for me to get to my destination. And the best part is, it’s fun!
The only kicker is that it is pretty pricey. Costs about $8.50 for a 20 minute ride. The black Capital Bikeshare bikes are just too scarce to rely on, and the red ones are a miserable experience for longer rides compared to the e-bikes. Bus and metro have plenty of downsides when compared to the green bike, but they are definitely more affordable. The ability to get almost anywhere in the city in 30 minutes or less is just intoxicating. I can’t stop using them. Excited for the proposed E-bike rebate, because the only thing that may kick this addiction is getting a bike of my own. May have to get a green one though, in honor of the Limes that started this love.